XVII Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics, June 12-14, Pazo de Soutomaior, Vigo, Spain

 With a group of good friends, (Tim Kehoe (University of Minnesota), Jaime Alonso-Carrera (Universidade de Vigo), Juan Carlos Conesa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), José Maria Da-Rocha (Universidade de Vigo), Antonia Díaz (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Omar Licandro (Instituto del Análisis Económico-CSIC) and J. Víctor Ríos-Rull (University of Minnesota)), I am organizing the XVIIth edition of the Vigo Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics.

The workshop takes place in a fantastic location. It is the perfect combination of good economics (a lot of) and fun (a lot of). Presentation are done by PhD students.

As far as economics is conerned, here is the program:


9:30-10:30: Illenin O. Kondo, University of Minnesota, “Trade Reforms, Foreign Competition, and Labor Market Adjustments in the U.S.”

10:30-11:30: Arantxa Crespo Rodríguez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, “Trade, Innovation and Productivity unemployment in France and United Kingdom.”

11:30-12:00 break

12:00-13:00: Sara Eugeni, University of York, “An OLG model of global imbalances.”

13:00-14:00: Timo Boppart, Universtiy of Zurich, “Structural change and the Kaldor facts in a growth model with relative price effects and non-Gorman preferences.”

14:00-15:30: lunch

15:30-16:30: Paula Gobbi, Université Catholique de Louvain, “DINKS, DEWKS & Co. Marriage, Fertility and Childlessness in the United States.”

16:30-17:30: Sébastien Langlois, University of Evry, “Bubbles and Public Debt in a Simple Macroeconomic Model with Financial Constraints.”

17:30-18:00: break

18:00-19:00: Julieta Caunedo, Washnington University, St Louis, “Industry Dynamics, Investment and Business Cycles.”

19:00-20:00: José Asturias, University of Minnesota, “A Model of Trade with Endogenous Transportation Costs.”


9:30-10:30: Joseph Steinberg, University of Minnesota, “Financial Markets, Misallocation and Total Factor Productivity: The Role of Informational Efficiency.”

10:30-11:30: Daniel Osorio, London School of Economics, “Flows of Information and Inefficiency in the Unsecured Consumer Credit Market: A Simple Framework.”

11:30-12:00: break

12:00-13:00: Dominik Menno, European Univerity Institute, “Financial Intermediation, House Prices, and the Great Recession.”

13:00-14:00: Joachim Jungherr, European Univerity Institute, “Financial Amplification, Executive Compensation, and Optimal Capital Structure.”

14:00: lunch


9:30-10:30: Pau Pujolas, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, “From Ricardo to New Trade Theory with a Pit Stop for Heckcsher-Ohlin.”

10:30-11:30: Maren Froemel, European University Institute, “Default risk and fiscal policy: the role of government consumption.”

11:30-12:00: break

12:00-13:00: Pietro Dallari, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, “Testing Rule-of-Thumb Using IRFs Matching.”

13:00-14:00: Pier Lauro Lopez, University of Lugano, “Welfare and Policy Implications of Asset Pricing Models.” [pdf]

14:00: lunch