3rd Joint French Macro Workshop – November 30, 2012, Paris

workshopEdouard Challe (Ecole Poltytechnique) and Nicolas Coeurdacier (Sciences Po) organized on November 30 the 3rd Joint French Macro Workshop. The workshop was be held at the Banque de France (espace conférence),  20 rue du Colonel Driant, 75001 Paris.

This workshop is jointly organized by CREST/Polytechnique, the Paris School of Economics, SciencesPo and the Toulouse School of Economics; with the financial and logistic support of the Fondation Banque de France pour la recherche en économie

The (always exciting) program was:

9h00-10h00 Frédéric Boissay (European Central Bank), “Boom and systemic banking crises” (with F. Colard and F. Smets)

10h00-11h00 Daniel Harenberg (ETH Zürich), “The welfare effects of social security in a Model with Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Risk” (with A. Ludwig)

11h00-11h30 Break

11h30-12h30 Isabelle Méjean (École Polytechnique), “Firms, destinations and aggregate fluctuations” (with J. di Giovanni and A. Levchenko)

12h30-13h30 Lunch

13h30-14h30 Hélène Rey (London Business School), Keynote speaker.

14h30-15h30 Kevin Sheedy (London School of Economics), “Debt and risk sharing in incomplete financial markets: A case for nominal GDP targeting”

15h30-16h00 Break

16h00-17h00 Manuel Garcia Santana (ECARES), “Foreign ownership, financial frictions and size distribution of plants”